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A Moment In Time.

A 2020 Time Capsule Book Project.

It has been an unusual year. Whether your school year was cut short, your vacation was cancelled, or you or someone you love experienced the health effects of COVID-19, something strange or different has likely happened to all of us. Through all of the ups and downs, we will no doubt look back on 2020 in the years to come with mixed emotions, stories to tell, and memories to share.

At MOXI, we want to capture those emotions, stories, and memories in a collaborative token of this time – a handmade book created by members of the MOXI community! Inspired by the concept of a time capsule, we invite you to contribute to the story of 2020 for our collaborative memory book. It will stay hidden at MOXI for 10 years, and our community will revisit and share out this book of pages in the year 2030.

We will accept submissions throughout the month of August. Tune into our social media for inspiration on how to craft a multimedia page and for prompts to get you and your family reflecting on this extraordinary moment in time.

Follow these guidelines as you create your unique contribution:

The Design Project.

Create a multimedia page that tells the story of 2020 for our collaborative memory book.


  • The page represents part of your life in 2020.
  • You use more than one medium to create your page.
  • The page may include your name, age, and/or location (not required to submit a page).


  • Page should be no larger than 8.5″x11”.
  • Page must fit into a page protector sleeve (3-D elements are permitted, but must fit inside a binder sleeve).

Possible Topics/Page Content Prompts.

  • What did you do while you stayed safe at home in 2020?
  • What would you want someone to know about this year?
  • How have you changed or grown in 2020?
  • What is one word you would use to describe this year so far?

How to Get Involved.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook and tune into our Moment in Time videos. We will share conversations with MOXI staff reflecting on their 2020 experience, techniques for making a creative book page, and prompts to inspire your contributions.

After creating your custom book page, you have three options for sharing it with us!

  1. Come to our drop-off event on Saturday, August 29 from 10 AM – 12 PM. We will accept your pages at the back of the museum. Pull right up to our loading zone on Kimberly Ave, take a moment to tell us about your process, and add it into our growing book!
  2. Drop off in our mailbox anytime (MOXI’s mailbox is located just off State Street at the entrance to the walkway between the museum and Hotel Indigo).
  3. Mail to MOXI at 125 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101.

Once our Moment in Time book is filled up with community contributions, we will hide it away in the museum for safe keeping along with instructions to future staff to open and share in 10 years’ time!

Free Admission for Evacuated Families.

We are offering free admission to all families currently under fire evacuation orders through Friday, January 17. Staff at the ticket desk will verify your zip code for free admission upon arrival. We hope to provide a welcoming space during this difficult time.

For questions or assistance, please call us at (805) 770-5000 or email